Islam and Christianity

Islam and Christianity Islam that abrogated celestial religions of Judaism and Christianity along with their validity is explained first. That Qur an-ı Karîm is word of Allah miracles of Muhammad alayhissalâm, his virtues, moral practices and habits how to be a true Muslim a comparison of Islam and Christianity that Muslims are scientifically powerful; are…

Could Not Answer

Could Not Answer It is a translation of (Cevap Veremedi) into English. Harputlu Ishâk Effendi explains how the Bible – the true book revealed to Isa alaihis-salam – was distorted; how words that belonged to people were put into firstly written four Gospels; that the theory of trinity is erroneous; the belief of Tawhid (the…

Why Did They Become Muslims?

Why Did They Become Muslims? The book Why Did They Become Muslims consists of 3 sections. Section I is a book of Islam and Christianity. Information about Prophets, books, religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) is given, conditions of being a true Muslim are explained, the words of those filled with admiration for Islam and the…

Ethics of Islam

Ethics of Islam Ethics of Islam is taken from the book Berîka by Muhammad Hâdimi. Immorality and ways to get rid of it; 40 depravities and cures to them; usefulness of ethics; what is a soul; strengths of a soul; personalities emanating from wisdom, courage, chastity and justice are extensively explained. Dowload as PDF

Sahaba The Blessed

Sahaba The Blessed At the beginning of the book (The Blessed) superiority of Ashab of our prophet, Muhammad alayhissalam, is explained along with how unjust and ignorant are those who defame Ashab-ı-kiram. Besides, the meaning of ijtihad is explained. In the part of cautioning, an answer is given to the book (Hüsniyye) written by an…